CAD22.00 each Weight: 1 lb

Roast level

Our Swiss Water Decaffeinated* coffee comes from Southern Peru and is grown at high elevations of 1,400 – 1,600 meters (4,600 - 5,200 ft.).  It is shade-grown, purchased Organic and then roasted.  It is 100% sun dried.  Our El Cautivo decaf coffee has a tangy fragrance after grinding.  It has a medium body and has a combination of Graham Cracker and maple syrup flavour with a smoky, burnt sugar aftertaste.

  • Recommended roast: MD
  • Price: $22.00 per pound - minimum order 1 lbs.
Roast Level Abbreviation Technical Roast Degree
Light 'L' Cinnamon, American
Medium-light  'ML' City, City+
Medium-dark  (recommended) 'MD' Full City, Full City+

Swiss Water Decaffeination (SWD) process is a chemical-free process using water as the solvent to decaffeinate coffee.  The finished product yields coffee beans that are 99.9% caffeine free by mass.